Live Life Loud Tour!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

and then there were four...

There's something that I have been waiting a long time for,
and it happened tonight!!
A goat was finally born on our farm!!!

Ever since I bought Speckles, I was never really sure if she was pregnant or not.
But, I found out for sure earlier this evening!!

This is what I found when I went to lock up the goats!!So, I can finally say it.


I will post more pics later, but this was the only good one I had ;P


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

It's even more adorable in person. Tony's she's such a pretty little thing! Congratulations!
Okay, i like Sally Brown, but I was still mostly indifferent to goats.
But now, I've seen a brand-new kid, and it walked up to me and sat down right by me, and nuzzled me with its nose, and I am positively enchanted.
Emma, I can see why you like goats so much :)

Luke Hobbs said...

Flippin sweet, dude! That rocks!

I heard your bridge washed away and you have to wade across the creek to check on the goats. That stinks...but it's also kinda fun, in a rugged outdoorsy sort of way. At least, I think it would be; I'm not the one who has to go do it.

Anonymous said...

I'm soooo glad you finally understand Lana!!! Most people think I'm pretty crazy, and I'm like "if only you could SEE them and HOLD them and CUDDLE with them!"
Tony that is soooooooo awesome and thanks for letting us know!!! You must be sooo excited! I know the feeling of brand-new kids... and he/she is such a cutie! I love the pics. Will you keep him/her? Is it a him or a her, and what's the name??? :D See I'm excited and it's not even my kid. lol Makes me want to breed mine again!

Pyrolord said...

Okay, I'm gonna try to answer all of the questions. ;P
Yes, I am going to keep it.
It is a her!!! (Which is why I am keeping her)
And now, the name.... I'm not 100% sure, but I think I'll call her "Felicity".
Yeah, I think I like the name Felicity. ;P
At the moment, we have no bridge. So, I have to either walk through the creek and get all wet, or swing over and risk falling in and getting wet. But it's worth it to get over there and see her. She's so stinkin' cute!! I had never seen a newborn goat before.
I need to get a good picture of her soon...

Brandon's Girl said...

Ewww. Sorry, still think goats are creepy. You know why your goat is smiling in the picture? She's thinking about eating me... and she doesn't even know me... or does she.... Cool teeth today Tony. Did you guys have a fun time in the bathroom with your fire today? That was SOOO not fair. I wanted to see the fire too.

Lady of somethin' er 'nother... said...

I agree with Nicole. I wanted to see the other pretty colors of fire! But I think that the red was probably the prettiest even if I didn't see the other colors.

I like the goat name.

Anonymous said...

Ooh Felicity, how cute!! You will have to post some more pics soon. How big is she? The only newborn goats I have seen are our pygmies and they are sooooo tiny!

Pyrolord said...

I just weighed her(literally, *just*), and she is 8 1/2 pounds!! Very healthy for a newborn doe!!! Of course, her mama is around 200 pounds. So, she's a pretty good size. ;P

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, that's a pretty good size. lol Our newborn pygmies weigh about 1 to 2 pounds... ;) But I can picture the size of Felicity (is it Felicity?) b/c that sounds like about the size of our lambs when we used to have sheep.

Pyrolord said...

Yep, it's official, her name is Felicity.
She's already a *lot* more active (and fun) than she was yesterday. She was trying to climb all over me earlier today... She's gonna be sooo much fun in a few days!!

Brandon's Girl said...

Indian Cow!!! Were you serious when you said that your goat weighed 200 pounds? Surely not. You have an obese goat. You're kidding right?!!! Please don't mess with my mind, I only have a little bit left. Lol.

Anonymous said...

Yes Colie dear he has big goats.
Tony you must give more pics!! Our babies were always up and running and climbing by day 2. Yes pretty soon she will (if she's at ALL like mine or any I've seen) be allll over you, climbing, jumping on your back (if they can reach it even when you're sitting down :P) and chewing on you and your clothes. lol sooo sweet...