Live Life Loud Tour!

Monday, March 31, 2008

There goes my wisdom

Did you ever wonder what would happen if you flushed a live fish down the toilet?
I never really thought about it before today, but I think it would be cool to put a tracking device on a goldfish and flush him on down. I don’t think it would be too cruel, because goldfish live in the water so they wouldn’t be too far from their natural habitat. Plus, it would be cool to see where all they would go.
I can imagine them rushing down through the pipes and then out into wild underground river of “Sewerville”. Maybe they would end up in the river, maybe they would….never mind, that is getting a little gross to think about. But anyways, my point is, wouldn’t it be cool to see what would happen?
Except that none of that would happen if I flushed a fish down our toilet because we have a septic tank, so it would just end up in a big nasty tank underground. That’s sad.

Now, back to reality. I had a orthodontist appointment today (at least we thought so, but that‘s another story) and Dr. Henry adjusted my evil retainer. It never hurt to wear it before, it was just a nuisance to mess with sometimes. But now it hurts really stinkin’ bad.
I need to get off now, so, I guess I’ll add more to this tomorrow.

And he adds more!!
Okay, so, where was I? Oh yeah, the orthodontist. I had to get X-rays and pictures and stuff done. And when they looked at the X-ray, they gave me some horrible news. I have a wisdom tooth forming in the top left (or is it right?) of my mouth. :( I used to have the wonderful theory that since I didn't have wisdom teeth, they would never have to get pulled, so I would never lose my wisdom. But now, not only do I have to have my wisdom taken away, I only get one part of it to start with.
I think I might just never get it pulled though. Some dentist told my mom a long time ago that she was gonna have to get hers cut out, but they came in just fine. Why won't mine?

We got 20 baby chicks the other day!! They've already goten biggger in the few days that we've had them(makes you wonder what kind of hormones they put in that chicken food, don't it?). We got 15 that are hens and another five that we're not sure about. I think we have 2 or 3 roosters. It'll be nice to get a bunch of eggs again(if we ever did get "a bunch" of eggs before). Several weeks before Lana's graduation, we bought our first batch of chicks. I think we got eleven or some weird number like that(why eleven and not twelve?). But when we had only had them for a few weeks, a dog got in there and killed all but four (which was really sad because those ones were like pets. I even had one of them trained to do some tricks). Eventually, we got some more from different peopkle and I think we had maybe 16 at one time, but one by one the dogs up the street would kill them. Now we only have three grown chickens and one of them is a roostar and the other two are bantams (one of which has only layed one egg since we've had her). But, we have 20 chicks that are rapidly growing and nobody has seen Bull(that evil pit bull) in a week. So we should be in pretty good shape chickenwise in a few months.
I think that's all of the BIG stuff, so, bye again!


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, you really scared me at first... that first sentence made me think you had actually done it! I was getting ready to call the animal police on you! lol... Please, don't ever try it. That is sooo sad. It would prolly die.

Pyrolord said...

Haven't you ever read my profile? My fish died a looong time ago.

Anonymous said...

Ton' you should try it. Well maybe not b/c it is a life even if it is only a goldfish. We will have to comb God's word to see if it is allowable.

Anonymous said...

Oh that's sad.
It's not allowable by MY standards!

Anonymous said...

Killing animals is okay, but you have to have a reason - a need; I think it is wrong to do it for sport.
doesn't genesis say that God will demand an accounting for the blood of animals killed? It's right after the flood...
That may be out of context, though.
Anyway, I don't think any life should be ended casually.

So, tony, no flushing live fish down toilets! :^P

Brandon's Girl said...

What if it bit me and is going to give me rabies? What if it is like a fish from I Am Legend?!!! What if it turns albino and tries to turn you into a zombie too?!!! Then can we flush it down the toilet?

Chickens are gross and stinky and have small brains. I actually like goats better than chickens... and that's saying a bunch.

Tony, did you come the other night to the teen night? Sorry, I wasn't paying attention.

Hmmm, those red velvet cupcakes were yummiful... I want one now.


Pyrolord said...

I'm not going to flush a fish down the toilet! sheesh, you guys take some things way to seriously.

chickens are pretty dumb, but they a fun to watch.
Nicole, did you watch "I am legend"? Was it good? It looks cool, but I hear it's kinda freaky.

I wasn't at the teen night...
Are you talking about those cupcakes at class yesterday? Those were sooo good.

Anonymous said...

Good Lana, you make sure he doesn't flush any fish down the toilet ok?

My little sister has chickens and they are GROSS!!! icky icky icky...

Luke Hobbs said...

Tony, take it from someone with personal experience: Your wisdom teeth MIGHT come in just fine and not pose any danger to the rest of your teeth, OR they MIGHT pose a major problem.

Everybody who reads my blog probably knows which way it was for me.

But of course I hope you don't ever have to get yours out; it's unpleasant and quite expensive.

Brandon's Girl said...

Thanks Mr Warrior, I just love those unpleasant and expensive things! Yay.

Yes, I Am Legend was VERY good. I only screamed once. It's not really scary though. If you are freaked out by rabid albinos who like to take a snap at you, then maybe it would be scary for you. I didn't think it was scary. I've seen Lady in the Water, The Village and etc. No more scary than those.

Oh, yes, the cupcakes were total awesomeness! Snickadeedoo! I don't really know if those were for my birthday, or if she just made them. *raised eyebrow* They were flippin sweet anyway.

Anonymous said...

What do you mean, you thought you didn't have wisdom teeth??

Baby chicks are pretty cute. Chickens are nasty. Sorry if anyone likes chickens. I 'member Lana's graduation. I didn't really know her then. Yeah you should've gotten 12, not 11... that will bother my OCD for the rest of my life, thanks a lot. :P That's really sad that a dog killed them. Chickens can do tricks?? And you shouldn't have had 16... not *too* bad, but 15 would be better. Can you tell I am writing this comment as I read the last part of your post (which I just noticed btw)?

Anonymous said...

Good idea Lady

Anonymous said...

Ya'll crack me up.

Pyrolord said...

Sweet, ya'll are almost as weird as Lana and I.
I'll see about seeing if I can watch it sometime.
Of course chickens can do tricks!! At least, one that we had could. I had her trained to walk along my arms from one hand to another, then she would just sit on my shoulder like a parrot...
I'm not even going to say what I used to do to ants... Trust me, you REALLY don't want to know.

Anonymous said...

No I prolly don't.

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