Live Life Loud Tour!

Monday, August 11, 2008

From Paper to Plastic !

So, I got my restricted license last week! Now, I have photo I.D.! The dumb thing is, to get said license, you have to have a birth-certificate and another form of "secondary identification". What I want to get is, how is a 15 year old supposed to have a plethora of I.D.? AND, the nasty people at the DMV wouldn't take a year-book as I.D., so they sent us to the bank to have some person sign a paper saying that I am, in fact who I am, and that dad is, in fact, my father. Dad and I kinda looked at each other, and were like, "duh, can't you tell? you need somebody from a bank to tell you that?". Man, some things are so dumb and time-consuming. AND, when I took the road test, the guy fussed at me for backing out of the parking space, even though I did it EXACTLY how the book tells you to! Then, he started this whole talk about how they should take that out of the book because "you can't fully control your vehicle if you don't have two hands on the steering-wheel at all times"... And then he got onto me about the way I stopped, and said I didn't come to a "complete" stop, because he didn't get slammed back in his seat. Sigh, if he thinks I did bad, he must not have been the one to give Lana her road test, because there would've been no way she could have passed it.;P

Something kinda cool is, when I was getting the license, I got to say I wanted to be an organ donor. Not that I want to have to donate any organs right now, but it's cool to know that if something were to happen to me, I could maybe give somebody a chance for a better life...

Anyways, mom and dad's anniversary was Friday, so they went up to Tulsa and Lana and Luke came to our house to help out(or was it, "make out"???;P).

On Sunday, Tim didn't end up showing the FtF video, but we still had like, 15 people sign-up to go, and several more were going to think about it. Not too bad, seeing as how they didn't know hardly anything about it...

What else? umm, Brandon and I each started an iPod Touch fund. We figure, by the time we get enough money for them, they'll be cheaper, at least, I hope so... I'm not gonna buy any extra little stuff, and I'll save my b-day and Christmas money, splitting it between savings and my fund, so it shouldn't take more than a 1/2 million years or so to get enough...;P

Now for an outlook on the not so distant future.

We're going to some friend's house on Friday(that's getting more and more rare as our family get bigger, I don't think we'd fit at a lot of tables ;P)! We start school next Monday, and spanish class starts the Tuesday, so that's cool. Microbiology starts the 25th, so that's pretty awesome too.

Oh, duh! FtF is less than two weeks away!! I almost forgot to mention that. I'm really excited that the CCC youth group is finally going!! I'm hoping more people will sign up to go next week.

I'm gettin' hungry, so, I'm gonna go now

-Tony, the most awesomest one by that name


Emma said...

I picked up a few FTF posters last night in case you wanted to hang them up at your church. Have you told Chris and Luke and them that ya'll are coming? JW... I'm getting excited, too!

Anonymous said...

just fyi, I did perfectly on my driver's test.
Anyways, or anyays wink wink Em :^P

I sure hope you don't donate any organs anytime soon. you're making me cry...

Who's house you going to on friday?
how did your FtF spiel go, were you wondromously eloquent?

Pyrolord said...

Ummm, Luke knew that we were doing the sign-up sheet on Sunday, and he said that we need to let ya'll know by early next week. So, Luke knows, but not the number. But, seeing as how we are going to show the vid next Sunday, we might get more people interested... So, you can tell them, but we might have more later.

Whose house we is goin' to on the day of fries? Caleb and Claire and them.

I guess you could say I was wondromously eloquent, if you mean that I didn't mess up at all. But that's prolly because I didn't DO the spiel. At least, not in front of the whole group. As soon as the lesson was over, everybody was out the door. But, I did talk to some poeple about it, just not everybody. It would've taken toooooo long to hunt everybody down and tell them about it. So, I didn't.

Emma said...

Ok cool...
Tell Claire I said hi!

Emma said...

Ok cool...
Tell Claire I said hi!

Pyrolord said...

Do I have to tell her twice? ;p

Emma said...

Well no but you can if you want. :P

Anonymous said...

Are you taking Micro and Physics or jus the one?

Uaghjkwela! I don't think that I like school.

Pyrolord said...

Just Micro for me. If I'm gonna have to take physics later on(which I hope I don't), I'm not gonna want to have another science class at the same time.

Emma said...

Tony I took the FTF flyers to CCC today and TJB put them up for me, FYI.

Pyrolord said...

Roger that, Houston.

Emma said...


Emma said...

btw I checked and ya'll are on the list of churches that are coming.

Unknown said...

yup, they've got fifteen planning to come!

Anonymous said...

i know! yay!

Pyrolord said...

I talked to Tim today, and he said we have 19 teens signed-up to go!!!! Which means we might have 15that actually come, but that's still cool!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Houston, we have a problem.