Live Life Loud Tour!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Long post ahead

I had all these great things to post about last night, now I can only remember a few.

Last Wednesday: we went up to Bentonville so dad could help Uncle Mitch with funeral preparations. So, we got to hang out with Jordan and Jacob. We played super smash bros. quite a bit. We also went swimming and rode scooters and ripsticks ect. I also figured out that you can send text messages via bluetooth, so we had some fun with that. ;P Then we played lazer tag, listened to music, played wii, and watched youtube videos until we went to bed.

ummm, Thursday(because Thursday usually comes after Wednesday):
Aunt Shanna(dad's sister), Uncle Len(her husband), Austin & Josh(their kids, our cousins),
Aunt Laurie(dad's *oldest* sister ;P), Sam(one of her kids, another cousin),
Uncle Kyle(dad's oldest bro) & Aunt Sunnie(his wife), and then their kids (who are all adults), J.R., & and his fiance Courtney, Kimmy & her daughter Nabia(she's 2 1/2 yrs. old and she's sooo cute)
and Miss Madeline(one of my granny's friends)
All of those people gathered at Granny's house and came over to Uncle Mitch's house for lunch and swimming and stuff.
After that, we all(everybody from both houses) went to Granny's house for dinner(T.J. came up at some point too, but he was there when I got there), provided by people from Uncle Mitch's church(I think, but I'm not sure about that). Then we went to the funeral home for the first visitation, or whatever you call it.
Then, everybody that was staying at Uncle Mitch's house went back there, except for me, because I was trading places with Josh for the night.
Thursday night, Austin, Sam, T.J., and I, stayed up really late playing Halo 3!!
Friday morning, we all met at Uncle Mitch's house, again(do you notice a theme here? ;P), and then headed up to Kansas.
Later on Friday, we had another visitation for people up there. Then we(all of the people mentioned before, and then some) went to a place kinda like Golden Corral(except not as good) for dinner. When we got back, me and a bunch of cousins played poker in the hotel lobby, with sugar and creamer from the hotel's breakfast stuff.
Saturday: I got up at 6:45 to go running with Uncle Chet, cousin Joe, Uncle Len, Uncle Mitch, and cousin Jacob. I forgot to mention that Joe is on a track team, and everybody else has been running daily for quite a while(and I haven't hardly at all), so I wasn't sure if I could keep up with them. I think we ran 3.4 miles. Not too far, but a pretty good run. I actually did pretty well. I didn't get tired till the last half mile.
Around noon, Aunt Laurie took Brandon, Austin, and me to get some lunch at the "Kreem Kup". Eventually everybody ended up there too.
Also, I forgot to mention, us older boy cousins were the pallbearers, which paved the way for all sorts of dumb jokes.
Then we had the Funeral service at an Episcopalian church(it was very strange). And then went out to the cemetery(which was out in the middle of nowhere).
Then we went back to the church for dinner. Then took family pictures and went back to the hotel.
Saturday night: we had a Halo tournament, in which I got creamed...

We left the hotel at 3:00 in the morning, so I slept most of the way home.

And that concludes my wonderful post about our trip.

P.S., as I am typing this, mom is playing a game on the Wii. And when I asked if I could try it, she said "finish your post, boy", and then got back to her game.

Now she's tickled because she beat Brandon's high score, on her second try

EDIT: I beat her high score awhile ago, so I ROCK!!!!! What else is new? ;P


Anonymous said...

Ripsticks?? You rode ripsticks? Had you ever ridden one before? Did you love it? Are you good at it?

Halo 3... hm, that's the game about Joel's friend eating him. LOL Sorry long story. Well ok fine, I asked him what it was cuz he had a pic of it at his graduation and that's sorta what he said only longer.

How do you play poker (sinner) with sugar and creamer???

Sounds like you had a lot of fun... for a funeral trip. I've never been to a funeral.

You never did say what games you have on there.

Pyrolord said...

Yes, we rode ripsticks. I was my first time. I didn't especially love it, 'cause I can usually pick things up pretty fast, but I wasn't so good with it... I think I went like, 20 feet once though.

Poker isn't bad. It's the gambling that goes with it.
To play poker with things other than money and chips, you just give each item a fixed dollar amount.

Funerals aren't fun, but the trip was.

I did too say what games we have

Anonymous said...

Awesome... it took me a bit to get it but once I did.... AAAH! it rocks. It just takes practice.

I know. lol I still don't get how you can like give someone a little cream though without spilling it all over the table. LOL And yes this time I really *am* laughing out loud.

No, you just said sports or whatever, not which sports

Pyrolord said...

The cream was in little plastic packets, and therefore un-spillable.;P

"Wii Sports" is the name of the game. It comes with the Wii

Anonymous said...

OOOOHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! I get it now!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

But what sports does it have?

Pyrolord said...

It has tennis, baseball, bowling, golf, and boxing. They are all AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wii Play is cool too. It has target shooting, "find the mii"(which I don't fully understand), ping-pong, some bubble-bursting game, laser hockey, pool, cow-racing, and an awesome tank game.

Anonymous said...

That must be the one that they had at the oh, what's it called? The coffee shop in Ft. Smith that moved buildings... idk, we used to have highschool fellowships there. Anyway. I never played it but I watched ppl do it.

Ping-pong? that'd be cool.

Anonymous said...

Fresh Beanz. That's it. Why is it I can always remember things unless I'm trying to remember them?

Lady of somethin' er 'nother... said...

Funerals to vaccum. Sounds like a great trip but I'm sorry it had to be for a funeral. ;D

Pyrolord said...

Yeah... We put the "fun" in funeral. ;P

Emma said...

oh my goodness that was horrible and great at the same time. LOL

Unknown said...

mostly horrible.

Pyrolord said...

It was pretty lame...

Lady of somethin' er 'nother... said...

Tony would you please pen me something new to read. Please.

Unknown said...

Tony, thursday comes before wednesday.

Unknown said...

and congrats on the sloppy joes!

Anonymous said...

what? it does?

Pyrolord said...

Thursday only comes before wednesday
1)when I don't check my e-mail on wednesday,
2)when october 22nd is a friday
3)when I use a sratch and sniff sticker that looks like coffee
4)when I write 4 times that thursday comes before wednesday


Emma said...

What in the world has gotten into you people?

Pyrolord said...

What people? Me and Lana? What do you mean?

Unknown said...

Tony, yesterday was Thursday, and in the future it is going to be wednesday. therefore, thursday comes before wednesday. It also comes before thursday, and sunday, and tuesday, and friday, and monday.
And saturday.
Which comes before wednesday also. But wednesday comes before saturday, too.

Unknown said...

where'd you get a scratch n sniff sticker!
I have a blue butterfly tattoo on my shoulder.

Unknown said...

I think I should go take a nap.

Emma said...


Pyrolord said...

I thought that everybody knew that, Lana. That's why I didn't even go into that reasoning.

I don't have a scratch n sniff sticker. What makes you think I do? ;P

Where'd you get a tattoo? If it's real, I'm gonna freak.

"AAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!!" ;P

Unknown said...

Heehee, no, it's really a real tattoo!
A real paint wet&press tattoo! I found it in one of my boxes that I unpacked yesterday, and being that I'd been home all by myself all day long studying and cleaning and cooking, I decided to go wild and put it on!
It looks cool. Well, looked. It rubbed off on my clothes already. Bummer.
But anyway, Tony, I'm afraid of needles, so i'd never get a real tattoo.

why is Emma screaming?

Emma said...


Pyrolord said...

Sweeeeeeet, I can use the wii to comment!!
Technology amazes me... ;p