Live Life Loud Tour!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Even on my worst day, at least I can say that I'm smarter than the average couch

Okay, the other day, I was walking to mom and dad's room, and as I'm passing the bathroom I hear, "Brandon! Oh my gosh! What's the matter with you? You wasted all the toilet paper!" Turns out that it was Josiah, and Brandon didn't "waste" the toilet paper, he just finished a roll. It was absolutely positively the one of the funniest things that I've heard lately. The other funny thing I actually made up, and it's a bit of an inside joke, so I'm not gonna tell you. *nyaa naa*;P

Yesterday, Brandon and I went over to the McC's house and watched the "Fellowship of the Ring: extended edition"! Andrew had never seen it, so I just had to scare him at the part where Bilbo jumps towards Frodo... Man, it was priceless...

Can't think of anything else to post about, but I'm gonna try to post at least once a week from now on. AND, Andrew, I know you read this every so often, so there's no excuse for your non-commentingness. So, remedy that sometime will ya? ;P


Emma said...

hi. i'm being un-non-commentingful.

Anonymous said...

Yo, isn't the part where Bilbo jumps at Frodo in the normal one too?

Pyrolord said...

Yeah... Andrew hadn't seen LOTR at all. That's what I meant when I said he hadn't seen it yet.

Anonymous said...

Ton' have you asked your parents yet? Are you coming Monday>?!

Pyrolord said...

The key to getting a good answer for something like this is to wait for the right time, which hasn't come yet... I guess I'll ask tonight at some point.

Pyrolord said...

It seems that we've got something else going on that night...

Anonymous said...

OoOoOoOoOoh... that's what you meant.