Live Life Loud Tour!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Fish-hooks and Car-wrecks

Here’s a really neat story that I would’ve posted yesterday, but, we were so busy living it that I didn’t have time to post.

Okay, go back a couple years. My family has been doing outreach ministries a local apartments since Brandon was a little guy. The first place we did it at was Oakbrook (right across the street from Riverwalk).
There was a boy (I only say boy because he was a boy when we first met him. He‘s probably like 17 now..) named Jaycob that came most of the time. He got into trouble every once in a while, but overall he was a pretty good kid.
As the years went by, he got a special place in our hearts that only a few of the apartment kids have gotten. Like most of the kids that have come to our various ministries, he moved away and we hardly ever see him.

Now, fast forward to yesterday morning.
My mom got an e-mail from Mrs. Connie, a lady from our outreach team, that said that she had been at the hospital and ran into Jaycob. Apparently he had been in a pretty bad car wreck, but he was fine (considering he had been in a car wreck), but, his best friend Mike, was in critical condition.

Fast forward a few hours. It’s around eleven A.M. we have people coming over for dinner the house is a wreck, and to top it all off, I find a fish-hook stuck in Lana’s kitty’s paw. Baaaad day. After trying and failing to remove the hook, my mom decided to take the cat to the vet.

When she got to the vet, they told her it would be about half an hour. So, she decided to take Jeremiah and Josiah out to eat while they waited. They were going to walk wherever they went and boys wanted to go to McD’s but mom didn’t want to cross the street with them so they went to Long John Silvers (which we hardly ever go to) instead.
While they were there, Jaycob’s step mom comes in. eventually, my mom gathers the courage to go over and talk to her (at this point she wasn‘t *positive* that it was her, she‘d only met her once - about 4 or 5 years ago).
She finds out that, yes, it was his step mom, and she told her that all of us from the “Church at Oakbrook”, which no longer even exists, were praying for them.

I just thought it was kinda cool that God used a little cat with a hook in its paw to get mom to go to a restaurant that she wouldn’t have gone to, so she could minister to the mom (that we don’t really even know) of a boy that we met at Oakbrook Church, all those years ago.


Emma said...

Heylo Sir. That's pretty cool. Really cool, actually. But very sad about the cat. Is she okay now? And how about Jaycob and Mike? Keep us posted please.

Pyrolord said...

Yeah, the cat is fine.
ummm, I'm just curious how we're supposed to find out about Jaycob and Mike. I don't even know who Mike is... But, I will ask Mrs. connie about them on thursday.

Anonymous said...

Oh, okay, thanks...

Pyrolord said...

Due to circumstances beyond our control(mainly the weather. okay, probably just the weather), we didn't go to Riverwalk tonight. So, I didn't get to ask Mrs. Connie 'bout Jaycob and Mike.
So, we don't know anything about them.
sorry emy.
I might get Lana to e-mail her and ask about them. I guess I could just be un-lazy and e-mail her myself...

Anonymous said...

It is a beautiful priviledge to see the hand of God... Thanks for sharing this

mom of Lady

Anonymous said...

Oh look my mom commented. Wow....

Brandon's Girl said...

Cool! It's very awesome how God works things out. I suppose it's awesome because God is awesome! Isn't He? Very cool post Sir!
I've got to go take care of my sisters before they kill eachother now.

Brandon's Girl said...

Uhhhh, interesting comment on your random question.

Anonymous said...

That's ok Tony. I'll keep them in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Sir Tony I apologize for the unenthusiasm about the video of the last post... I've watched it several more times now and I think it's quite funny. Still don't like that they're making fun of a song I like so much but it *is* funny. I guess it would be funnier, too, if I'd seen the music vid to Jesus Take the Wheel.

Pyrolord said...

I forgive you.
I've never watched the real one and I still thought it was funny...
oh well, "unenthusiasmness" is forgiven. ;p

Anonymous said...

hehehee.... thanks. :P BTW, why do you always use a lowercase "p" for you sticking-out-tongue smilies?? JW...

Pyrolord said...

I dunno, I just do ;p
;P there is that better? lol

Anonymous said...

yeah... :P

Brandon's Girl said...

Well, at least I have a nose, mwahahaha!!! :op

Brandon's Girl said...

Do ya'll realize how stinkin boring it is talking to myself? Try it sometimes. I'm going CRAZY!!!! Oh, wait, already am, haha. How are you Nicole? I'm good thank you. Your hair looks awful today. Well your face creeps your mamma out. Well, I'm not talking to you Nicole. Well then, I'm not talking to you either. Can you believe her?!!! *incredulous look*

Pyrolord said...

That's wierdin' me out....

Brandon's Girl said...

lol, it was all HER fault.