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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Post I Wasn't Gonna Write.

Here I am, writing a post I didn’t intend to ever write, I don’t feel qualified to write,
and would prefer not to write. But, I'm writing it anyways, because for some reason, I feel like it’s what I was supposed to write; it’s what God wanted me to write.

Quite a bit lately, Lana and Luke have been writing about love, romance ect. Don’t get me wrong, I think love is great; after all, there’s a whole book in the Bible about love. Well, if love is so great, shouldn’t we all dive headfirst into it?

Years ago, my parents decided that none of us kids should date. It’s never made me upset because at the time that they told us, I was too young to care, and as I got older, it was easy for me to see how awful the dating cycle really is.

My parents told me that each time you have a relationship with someone, you give them a piece of your heart that you can never get back. In this day and age, not dating is a thing unheard of. Some people, if asked, would probably say that if you don’t date, you’ll never get married.
I’m sure there are also people that wonder how you’ll ever meet that “special someone” if you
don’t date (Luke and Lana are solid proof against that one :^).

I remember one of my relatives was bragging one time that he had, like five girlfriends in one semester. Once again, I was too young to care. But looking back, I can see that not only did he have five girlfriends, he lost pieces of his heart five times. People want to give their whole heart to their spouse, not just the crumbled remains of it.
One thing about not dating (or having dating-type relationships) is you can honestly say “there was never anyone else”. There’s no pressure from worrying that you might see an old boyfriend/girlfriend. Obviously, this has never happened to me, but it seems like it would be really awkward.

So what’s the alternative to dating? It’s called “courtship”. One of the best things about courtship is that the parents are involved every step of the way, ready to help and encourage you whenever you need it. When my parents first decided against dating, they didn’t even know what the alternative was called, much less how courtship was supposed to work. Years later, they found a book “When God Writes Your Love Story” by Eric and Leslie Ludy that helped encourage them that it could be done .

Through this book, the Ludys share how they came to realize that dating isn’t the way to go. They share how they overcame obstacles and ridiculing to stay pure. And of course, they
share their love story. I would encourage all of you to read this book if you haven’t already. It’s more proof that you can get married without ever dating.

One more thing that kind of goes along with this is another piece of wisdom my parents gave me (it’s mostly for the guys but it won’t hurt for girls to read it). This is what it is - start saving now! I don’t mean save for a x-box360; I mean save for a house. I’ve got a head start over lots of people since I started saving when I was about ten. Jeremiah and Josiah are going to grow up their whole lives saving. Saving for a house, saving for their futures, and saving their hearts for one person and one person only.

So to answer the question at the beginning, no we shouldn't just dive straight into love.
What should we do then? Well it says in the Bible, "do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires". We should save our hearts until the proper time comes.


Unknown said...

Good post, Tony.
And I'm proud of you for saving your money and your heart. Your future wife will be (and is, I suppose) so blessed!
'big' sis

Luke Hobbs said...

Sweet post, my bro. It's gonna be fun getting to watch your love story develop, when the time comes!
Praying for you, man. And the future missus; she needs all the help she can get. J/k

Anonymous said...

Poeple think that we are crazy for not dating or having any sort of special guy/girl relationship but when I hear those things I laugh (usually on the inside) b/c they miss so much.

It makes no sense to me that I should spend time and energy on someone else's man. Nor that I should have my heart broken for the sake of the moment. Call me a sappy romantic but is there not something sweet about being with only one?

The whole thing is Biblical. I have told people before "You show me where God says dating is the way to go and I'll do it.". The thing is they cant'. And every time I bring up the Bible in our discussions they shut up! I even know a girl who won't talk about courtship with me cuase she can't win and just gets frustrated.

I am so glad for you and your wife that think this way. She will be blessed as will you.

Thanks Mr and Mrs.L for raising you children to fear the Lord.

It is so nice to have Jesus loving friends.

Anonymous said...

This is great. People should know that there's actually a lot (not a lot, but, ya know) of us teens that think this way. It's not like our parents "don't let" us date, or make us wait for courtship... a lot of us feel this way too and I think that's great. Like Barlow Girl says, God made one Adam and one Eve... He didn't make one Adam and five Eves and tell Adam to try them out and see which one he liked. :P Dating is practice for divorce, that's what I think... anyway, very good post...

Lady of somethin' er 'nother... said...

Good night I didn't know that any one else had come up with the Adam and Eve thing. I so had thought of that w/o Barlow Girl.

Anonymous said...

Bravo Mr. Brains! Jolly good and true and nice!

Brandon's Girl said...

alright, you rock officially now, lol. Good post.

Anonymous said...

very nice post, liked it a lot!

oh and hey, what in the world happened to lana's blog?! there's nothin' there! AHHHHH!!! hadn't been on there in a while so taday was gonna be my day to catch up with reading it before G-Bay plays at 3....*sigh*....


Anonymous said...

very nice post, liked it a lot!

oh and hey, what in the world happened to lana's blog?! there's nothin' there! AHHHHH!!! hadn't been on there in a while so taday was gonna be my day to catch up with reading it before G-Bay plays at 3....*sigh*....
