Live Life Loud Tour!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Why do I even bother using titles? They never have anything to do with what I write

It’s been awhile since I posted a “normal, this is how life is” post. So here goes nothing.
Sunday was… um.. church and that’s pretty much it.
Monday was chemistry, and I understood all of the lesson! Whoohoo!! snaps for Tony .
Tuesday, I don’t think we did much of anything other than school and whatnot.
Wednesday, I can’t remember what we did, I don’t think it was anything unusual.
Thursday was Riverwalk church which went pretty well except for when the kids got a little… distracted during the lesson. But other than that it went pretty well.
Sometime during the week, my parents decided to do a bread making demonstration at our church on Friday night.
Well, Friday morning, I find out that my dad wants me to bring my unicycle to church because somebody’s sons were coming and he thought they’d think it was pretty cool.
Ha ha, that’s funny dad, I haven’t really ridden my unicycle in over two years. But no harm was done, I didn’t hurt myself or even embarrass myself at all. It was kind of frustrating not being able to ride as well as I used to but it was fun anyways.
Today, we just cleaned the house and put plastic on the windows ’cause, IT’S FREEZING OUTSIDE!!! I don’t think that the people that built our house had ever heard of a special thing called, “insulation”.
Jeremiah, Lana, and Lily-pie are all sick and it looks like Brandon is getting sick too.
I *really* hope I don’t get sick because I don’t have time to be an “invalid” again.
Right now we’re in the middle of watching “National Treasure” for the thousandth time.
T.J.’s coming over after church tomorrow. It’ll be nice to see him again. I haven’t seen him in almost a week. He’s gone longer without seeing us but it’s kind of different when he ”goes home” after coming over.
I guess I’ll get used to it after a while but I’ll still miss him.

Ooooh! I almost forgot, my mom started a blog this week. Go check it out sometime, I have a link to it on my sidebar. Actually, I'll put a link right here

BTW It’s like four months and four days till Luke’s going to be my brother-in-law.
That’s gonna be… different.

For whatever reason I can’t wait till “Fan the Flame” 2008. I’m going to try to get my youth pastor to take our youth group to it this year…. I think I’m done now.


Unknown said...

Tony, d'you realize that for Fan the Flame '08, I'm gonna be kinda part of FBB and actually helping, not just attending?!?! cool...
Tony, you had better not get sick, b/c the kids are due any day now, and unloading the dishwasher for you is one thing, but helping deliver kids in freezing weather - that's a different proposition entirely! (mommy can do that one :^P )

Luke Hobbs said...

FtF is gonna be so much cooler with my beautiful wife being a part of it! Actually, I think church period is gonna be so much cooler with her. It's gonna be different in terms of my role (not sure how different yet, but God'll help us figure it out), because it's not just me anymore, it's me and my wife! The SECOND "Hobbs family" in church! (That has a downright scary ring to it, doesn't it?)

Anonymous said...

Scary? Def. :P Just kidding.... sorry Luke, I was already awful to you yesterday (don't worry Lana, not *awful*... I only told him he was freaky and glared at him... lol) so I'll try to be nice today. What happened to "I'm always nice to Luke", I wonder? :P
Lana, delivering kids?? OHH!!! Like, goats??? Awwwwwwww............ wow I was like so trying to figure out why ya'll were having kids to deliver... LOL okay that was blonde... anyway now I'm jealous. I wanna breed mine.

Pyrolord said...

YES!! BABY GOATS!! Queenie is gonna have hers any day now! I'm excited!! can ya tell? ;p
I'll post pictures of 'em as soon as they get here. well, maybe not the minute they get here... I'll post pics a soon as I can. :)

Unknown said...

When will they come???
We expected them LAST saturday!

Anonymous said...

Wow...I'm excited about FtF too...but, I will be more after...CHURCH CAMP! Sorry, Tony, I'll go now...
The little goaties still haven't come? :(

Emma said...

That's AWESOME Tony!!!!!!!! Yes, you have to post pics VERY soon after they come, although I'll forgive you if you don't do it the moment they come. :D Whenever mine have babies, I'm like soooo excited that I can hardly remember to bring the camera (but of course I do) and then when I finally come back inside the first thing I want to do is call everyone I know and post pics over email and blog... LOL You'd think they were my own kids I'm so excited. lol that's it... I've gotta breed my goats again.. I think we're gonna do it the end of this month or the beginning of the next. The only hard thing will be finding the buck I want....

Pyrolord said...

Even if I forget my camera I'll have my phone so I'll get pictures when I first see 'em. of course it's no big deal to run back up to the house and get a camera....
Ha! I didn't have to get a buck. Speckles and Queenie were pregnant when I got them.

Anonymous said...

It is to me. LOL I can't stand missing a minute of the labor or birth or first moments. ;D I want one of those pygmy bucks that are a caramel-ish color with black ears and a black stripe down their back. Have you ever seen those? They are *so* cute and I'm hoping if I get one of those I might get some cute colors. Our other buck was black and most of our babies have been black... cute, but rather boring. I have the cutest brown doe but she's only had one baby and he was black. Which was no surprise since her brother and the buck were black.

Pyrolord said...

I've never seen any fancy caramel colored pygmies, just black and gray ones.LOL. What's wrong with black goats? jk

Unknown said...

Sally brown is the prettiest goat I have ever seen...

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me?? NOTHING is wrong with black goats!! Simpy that we already had one, and then the buck we got was black (but we sold him) and then we had two black kids born and then three more that were almost black... so I want something more exciting. I want Kissy to throw color! B/c she's sooo cute! I call her my chocolate goat (hence the name Kissy :P

Pyrolord said...

I have to agree with Lana, Sally is the prettiest goat. But I think Dolly is the cutest(sp?).
*I* didn't say anything against black goats, you were the one that brought it up. I'll be happy with any color kids, I just want them to come soon.

Lady of somethin' er 'nother... said...

Ya'll do you know how funny it is to read ya'll talking about kids! I know what you mean but it is still kinda funny.

Ya'll are gonna hate me but... animals stink. They are cute but they stink. Ton' I do wish to see your kids. LOL that is funny to me! No really I do I am not kidding. Cause they're cute. Most babies are.

Some how I missed this whole post till today and I have been on here on more than one occasion since it was posted.

Tony what are ya'll gonna do you project on? Your paper? I think my paper is going to be on sewage. Yuck-o.

Pyrolord said...

My group wants to make a bomb,
*if* mr herb will let us.
I'm gonna be un-different and write a normal paper on water. *fun*

Anonymous said...

Bomb!!!!!!!!!!! AWESOME!!!!!!!! Do it and blow up a life-sized cardboard image of Hillary Clinton!!!!!!!! Or make out the assasination of James Buchanan using a "Byoo-Cannon"!!!!!! BANG!! BOOM!!!!!!! FIRE ALL!!!!!!!! I mean, really Mr. Brains, no point thinking of the assignment till you're in the car on the way there the day it's due! Right?

Pyrolord said...

It would be pretty awesome to blow up Clinton, but why limit it to hillary? I'll blow up Bill too. LOL
jk I'd only blow up one or the other, not both at the same time. that would be to much at once. ;p

What's with the "Mr. Brains"?

Emma said...

I don't think it'd be too much at once. :P JK, maybe they're not the best people but they shouldn't be blown up. At least not until someone leads them to the Lord. LOL
I think "Mr. Brains" comes from being the Clever. :D
Lady, "No really I do I am not kidding"??? That is a bad pun!! :P

Unknown said...

I didn't think it was intended, but I did laugh at it, also. (the pun, that is :^P )

Anonymous said...

I'm glad someone else caught it. :)

Anonymous said...

No, I've never tried inhaling helium. :P Doesn't really sound like the smartest thing to do. Have you??
What grade are you in? That's something I haven't asked (at least I don't think I have) in our age/height competition. LOL

Anonymous said...

"Mr. Brains" IS just a shortened, more modern verion of Sir Tony the Clever!
True dat. Why put limits on which one of our beloved political characters we pulverize in one sitting? This is about the best chance to do it you're ever gonna get! I say embrace it! I say deface it!:P

Pyrolord said...

Of course I've inhaled helium!!It's awesome!!
If I was in public school I'd be ninth grade, 'cause I was born just after the cut-off date. but I'm pretty much a tenth grader in most stuff(except math). I'm the tallest in my entire school!

I should blow up Al Gore too while I'm at it.

Anonymous said...

What happens when you inhale helium??? You float?? LOL jk... but really...??
I would be in 9th, too... even though I'm older. :P But I'm in tenth in everything but science and geography as I said. I'm as tall as my teacher!!

Anonymous said...

Hey I didn't even get the pun and as of yet still don't. Bad wording I know but..

Helium makes you talk funny right.

Ya'll we must remember that these political leaders are in the same spiritual state that you once were. Their hearts have been hardened by the decietfulness of sin. As funny as I think it is we must set an example and not return evil for evil. Instead we should pray. And you think I'm kidding.

A bomb.Hmmm after lighting the church floor on fire I don't think it is gonna happen. Mr. Herb told Ethan no pyrotechics. But if you modify the meaning of bomb....

Anonymous said...

Lady you were talking about kids and then said "I am not even kidding".

It does? How weird. It seems like it would damage your brain or something. LOL

That's so right Lady...

Pyrolord said...

I don't think helium hurts you. it just makes you feel light headed(pun intended).
In my defense, I didn't have any part of the carpet fire. I didn't even see who did it.

Unknown said...

Lady, I agree with you about political leaders... Also, we need to remember (and I often don't) that we should respect those in authority, even if we think they're idiotic sinners, b/c they are our authorities that God put in place (even if they're evil) we can stand up against them, if need be, but we ought to be respectful...
Man, I am SO not good at that.

and with respect to another discussion: I think Sir Tony the Clever sounds cooler than "Mr. Brains" just imho.

Unknown said...

It's exactly four days, today, until you get a brother-in-law...

Brandon's Girl said...

I've inhaled a bunch of helium and it hasn't effected me. Four days? What are you talking about???? You're not getting married on the 27th are you??!!!! Do you mean four weeks or four months? Your sorta freaking me out here!

Brandon's Girl said...

I wish I got thirty comments like you, but NOBODY LIKES ME APPARENTLY! Lol.

Unknown said...

Four month, duhher!
I'm not all here, today, sorry! But, it's our 5 month anniversary, what can you expect LOL :^P
We're getting married on MAY 23!!!

What I meant was that it's only 4 months, and in this post, Tony said something about 4 months and four days. The four days are now GONE!

Anonymous said...

Nicole I'm not sure I agree with the part about it having not affected you... LOL
Sir Tony the Clever does sound better.... in fact, I really like it... who came up with that, anyway? LOL :P
Don't feel bad Nicole... no one but Luke, Lana, and Tony get so many comments.... :'(