Live Life Loud Tour!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Apparently It's time for a new post......

Not too much going on at our house, just normal everyday living.
On second thought, normal life has a lot of stuff going on, so, I guess we’ve had a lot happening.
I should say that there hasn’t been to much *extra* going on at our house.

I’m racking my brain, trying to remember if anything exciting has happened in the past week.
Let me think…… Well, Thursday, we had Riverwalk church and only one kid showed up, so, we all kind of goofed off for a while before starting the lesson. I think that it was good for Alex (the only kid that showed up) to be there with just us.
I think that he is one of the kids that really does care about the lessons, not just snacks and games.
I don’t think much extra happened Friday. At least, not that I can remember.

On Saturday my dad and I started working on an invisible fence for Donor, among other weekend chores and whatnot.
Sunday, church was awesome!! It was really different, they changed up the routine, our normal routine! But, I was okay with it once I got over the initial shock of it being different ;P
The sermon was awesome, you can download it from here (it'll be the one that says, "Tim, the 'E' word", or something like that).
After the sermon, Mom and Lana take all of the younger kids home and dad and I stay for sunday school.
After sunday school, dad and I stayed in town and killed time before our outreach meeting thingy. I don't stay in the meeting, I just eat food and then go down to the gym to play. ;P
That’s really tough, isn’t it. ;P
After goofing off and giving Joel M. a black eye (accidentally of course ;P), we went home and finished the fence. Here's a picture of the fence.

What? you don't see anything? That's because it's "invisible". pretty cool, huh. Donor doesn't think so. Poor thing doesn't even want to go outside anymore. He'll get over it after a while.... I hope.

Had chemistry class on Monday, and turned in our papers. I sure hope I get a good grade on mine... I might post it eventually.

I can't think of anything else worth writing about right now.... That is, nothing that wouldn't require a whole new post. ;P Yep, I'm pretty sure that's everything.

No!! Wait!! It's not everything!!! I GET MY BRACES OFF IN TWO DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

"Fellow Blogger", I like that one a lot better. lol
You threw me off at first with the "invisible fence" thing... but just for a second. I read it and went, "An invisible fence?! oh yeah."

Unknown said...

You gave Joel a black eye?
Seriously? I didn't hear of this!
(I was actually in the meeting...)
also in two days is.... Valentine's day!

great job on the fence, little bro!

Pyrolord said...

Yes, "Fellow Blogger". not quite the same as "Blogger of Doom" though.

I didn't do it on purpose, his head got in the way of the ball....

It's just one day now!!!!

Thank-you, thank-you very much. ;P
(notice the capital "P") ;P

Anonymous said...

Umm well I beat braces with a trip out of town and a birthday the day after your braces come off.

If I remember I will make you smile at me on Monday.

Joel M. needed the black eye I am sure. :) You gotta love the kid. No really, I do and I love Dutch too. Dutch doesn't like for me to call him that but I have always called him Dutch. We have been friends with their family since before Joel I think. Twas quite a long time ago. Wow!

That reminds me that I need to practice my piano.....but Chemistry needs to come first. So I am off!

Anonymous said...

Do I know Joel?
Today is Valentines Day for us, b/c dad has to leave tonight to go out of town. :D So I have you all beat, I get it early. LOL
Thanks for the capital "P" smiley... :P

Pyrolord said...

Yeah, but you guys don't get your braces off!! ;P

Brandon's Girl said...

I know a Joel. It would be funny if he got punched. No, not really. It'd be sad. Lady is probably going to reprimand me now. Did you take tylenol before and is your mouth uber sore? Well, I must go, my sister is THROWING CHICKEN FAT JELLY AT ME!!!! GRRRRRR!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I haven't had braces yet!!!!

It's not that Joel, Colie. Notice in the post it said Joel M.

Chicken fat jelly??? GROSSSS!!! (no, Lana, don't say gross is my fave word :P)

Anonymous said...

Well, I will. Gross is and you promised!!!!!!!! You wait till you do get braces: DOOM ON YOU!!!!!!

Pyrolord said...

I AM FREE!!!!!!!!! I FINALLY GOT THEM OFF!!!!!! Except for the four brackets in front on the top :(
they left those ones on for some reason. *But*, I get those ones off next week. Can ya tell I'm excited? ;P(check out the fancy use of a capital letter ;P)

Brandon's Girl said...

Cool! Doesn't your mouth feel funny? When I got mine taken of, but like yours they left my top four on. They said that those are the most likely to move and so they left them on until I got my retainers.

Anonymous said...

Nicole, I forgot about your braces. I remember the retainer but forgot about the braces.

Ton' I am still gonna make you smile at me Monday.

No thou doesn't know this Joel.

Today is Valentines Day ya'll guess what tormorrow is?

Anonymous said...

The day after Valentine's Day? :P

Yes, Tony, once again, very good. But you can quit talking about the capital "P"s now.

Meggy what did I promise??

Unknown said...

Tony, little buddy, does your back hurt?
Because, I've heard sometimes, a person can hurt himmself when he spends too much time patting his own back.
Your teeth look great, btw, very nice, you have a nice smile :^)

Emygirly, you do use the word "gross" an awful lot... I recommend a thesaurus :^P
LOL, JK...

Anonymous said...

LOL I just remember you saying that when we were watching NARNIA. I don't mean to use it a lot... I guess there's just a lot of gross stuff. lol I do say "that's sick" and "that's disgusting" too...

Pyrolord said...

Hey!!, what'd I do? I wasn't being (too) vain.
But, now that you mention it, my back does feel a little stiff...... ;P(I don't mean to brag or anything, but I just used another capital "P" right there.)Jk

Brandon's Girl said...

Today is Lady's birthday, happy birthday Lady on someone else's blog!

Anonymous said...

really, Tony....

Brandon's Girl said...

You people are always confusing me.

Pyrolord said...

Fine, I'll quit. ;P(I'm not even going to say it...)

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU!!!!! You used a capital "P" like I told you to and didn't even mention it!!!! *double snaps for Tony*

Brandon's Girl said...

you also intimidate me with your telopathic-ish typing talk. it's creepy.

Pyrolord said...

"Double snaps"!!
Wow, that's big. ;P

What's creepy??

Anonymous said...

:P I have another question about your sticking-out-tongue smilies, Tony... why are they ALWAYS winking??
(oh dear, I shouldn't start it again should I?)
Yeah Colie what are you talking bout?

Pyrolord said...

They always wink because I can't figure out how to make them raise one eyebrow, and it's similar to the face that I make.
Now that I'm thinking about it, I'm realizing that my left eyebrow is raised as I type. That's kinda wierd.
;P(there's my lame winking smiley with his tongue sticking out because he can't raise his eyebrows) ;P

Anonymous said...

Oh, interesting... make that face for me next time I see you, k? :P If I want my face to raise one eyebrow, I put ^_- does that look anything like it's raising one eyebrow??

Pyrolord said...

I guess it kinda looks like he's raising an eyebrow, but he's not smiling.

Brandon's Girl said...

That's the serious, "I'm thinking something you're not thinking" look.
You guys confuse me with your comments, you know what the other is talking about and I don't. Perhaps that's what creeps me out. Or, maybe I'm just annoyed because I feel like a ditz when I read your comments.

Unknown said...

Colie, they're just talking about faces they make with letters.
Emy, I always make the smiley with the tongue sticking out with a winking eye, b/c that's my teasing/joking face. The two go together, somehow....

BTW, this is my angelic face -> 0:)
isn't she cute?

Anonymous said...

Colie we're not that confusing... Lana's right, we're just talking about making faces. :P or, I mean ;P

Pyrolord said...

It's fun to make faces on the computer, but it's more fun to do it in person.... I guess I'll just make faces to myself and try to immitate(sp?) them on a screen.
How do you think this makes my real faces feel? ;P

Anonymous said...

how many faces do you have?!?!

Pyrolord said...

A ton. At least five or six of them I got from one single movie. I have countless others that I've either made up or got from other people and movies and whatnot.
That doesn't include all of the faces that I make while while goofing off and stuff.
I'm not even going to try to explain all of the many voices that go with the faces.
Chances are, If you hang around me long enough, you'll see my new and improved "China Man" face and voice. But that would be kinda hard to explain on the computer...

Earlier this afternoon I was talking like Eddie Murphy or somebody, and I didn't even realize it until I had been doing it for a couple minutes.
That's another of those wierd things...;P

Unknown said...

Yeah, I quoted one of eddie murphy's characters (using that character's voice) this afternoon, and for five minutes, Tony was talking in that voice, and all the sudden he switched to his normal voice and said "where did the voice I was talking in *come from*?!"
heehee, it was funny....

Chinaman, now, HE is an annoying man, and the pitch of his voice is just right to make my headache split my skull wide open, ouchies.

Anonymous said...

China man?!?!? Well actually I was kina teasing b/c you made it sound like you actually have different FACES, instead of just faces you make with your one face. :P I like to imitate people but I'm not all that good (at least I don't think so) and I don't do it in public. :P The best I can do is Lily (Heather Matarazzo) on Princess Diaries saying "You look ridiculous, you should sue." :P My little sisters are fans of that imitation. lol

Pyrolord said...

My sibs love my faces, but my mom and dad love them too.
They (my faces) have been known to get me into trouble. But then again, they help me get out of trouble too. It is wonderful. ;P

China Man is not annoying!!!! China Man rocks!!!! China Man is so good that dad used that voice at work and had people laughing.
You gotta wonder how he ever had people laughing with a voice he stole from me!!
You think that people would know better than to encourage identity theft like that. ;P

Anonymous said...


Anyway, quit talking about your "faces"... it sounds really weird. :P As if you have a bunch of heads or something. LOL Isn't there anything else to call them? You could just say the faces that you make.

Unknown said...

no, Emy, they are faces, and they are characters.
*I* don't think he has a bunch of heads. So there! :^P cuz, you know, what I think really matters in the conversation *rolling eyes*

Luke Hobbs said...

Tony's face really matters in this conversation.

Unknown said...

somebody should push the chinaman face off a cliff.

except, I can't separate it from Tony.

Brandon's Girl said...

You weirdo creepy people. I want to make a face *twitchy eye face*. There.

You have cool teeth Tony. They have potential. Maybe you should be in a toothpaste commercial. Yes, you should.

Luke Hobbs said...

I'll tell you what should be in a toothpaste commercial...

Pyrolord said...

I'll call my agent, I don't think I'll be able to do any more commercials for a few months. ;P

Pyrolord said...

Btw, China Man is some character that I roughly created several months ago at Luke's house, then Sweet-T added to it, and a few weeks ago China Man was reborn better than he had ever been before.

Anonymous said...

Wow that's interesting... about China Man I mean...
And Lana I never said Tony had a bunch of heads!!!! I just said he made it sound like he does.
Tony, maybe you should consider posting so we could end this confusing conversation?