Live Life Loud Tour!

Monday, April 28, 2008

I just killed a bug(almost)

EDIT: Right after I asked Lana to proofread this, she totally freaked out because she saw a bug, but it ran away before I got there.
Ummm, let's see. I haven't posted since last...Thursday.
I don't think much of anything happened Friday.
Saturday was dad's birthday. We spent most of the day working on leveling the ground for the pool(which is done now, btw).
Sunday, went to church... I'm not sure if we did anything extra. I can't remember.
OH!! I just remembered something exciting we did on Friday!! We went to the mall and went clothes-shopping, which usually isn't all that great, but this time was different!! I was in JCPenney's, looking for jeans, when I saw the coolest things in the world(well, maybe not the *coolest*, but it was pretty cool at the time). Slim-fit men's jeans(boot-cut, I think...). I didn't even know they made such a thing. I was like, "oh, wow. I need to try some of those!". They're pretty sweet!! It might not be a big deal to you guys, but it's pretty cool to find jeans that'll fit really well. It seems that everyone in my family has their own different troubles finding jeans...
Today, Monday, I had chem class in the morning. Our group finished our poster board, finally. It looks pretty awesome. Each group has to do some sort of presentation thing at our class presentation night in two weeks. I'm not sure what we're doing, but I think Me, Daniel, and Caleb(I know that's not the *proper* way to write that, but that's the way I say it...) are gonna all do something for it. We thought about doing a song, but we're not sure how that'd work. We also found out this morning that we were having a final test(oh boy!), or exam, whichever you prefer. I had a little bit of trouble with some of it, but at the end Mr. Herb said we had three minutes to help eachother with two problems. So, I ended up aceing it. I was pretty excited. I think I'm gonna try to clep out of college chem soon, while it's still fresh in my mind.
Mr. Herb is teaching physics and micro-biology next year. I'm taking micro for sure. I don't know about physics, mom doesn't think I could handle two science classes at once...
Tomorrow is Lana's b-day. I got her present tonight, finally.
I think that's all.

later alligator(after a while crocodile) ;P


Anonymous said...

A post. Woah. This is too much excitement, having Meggy, Toria, and you all post in one day. :P
Jeans that fit rock. Too bad I can't find some. lol It's hard for me to find some that are skinny enough and short enough. I guess you don't have the latter problem. *glare* Actually I don't mind being short. Except that I buy the "short" jeans and they're still long. Oh well. I like them long. Anywho...
A song? Weird. Oh cool, my mom was wondering if he was gonna teach something different next year... now I'm gonna tell her and she might make me take one *frightened look*

Anonymous said...

P.S. Bugs freak me out too.

Pyrolord said...

Yup, you're right. I don't have ant trouble finding short jeans. It's the long ones that I have to look for. ;P
Hey, a song would be total sweetness. We just couldn't think of one...
That frightened look is because of science? Have no fear. Mr. Herb said that physics is actually easier than chem, and micro-biology isn't any harder than regular biology, it's just going in depth into a small part of biology(hence the "micro", I guess).

Most bugs don't bother me, as long as they don't sting me. That's not fun...

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's a good thing that you couldn't think of a song. Maybe it's a sign from God. LOL

Yeah. Well, I don't like science. I used to when I was younger, but not anymore. I did Physics this year and I'm doing Biology next year... so, I don't know if I'll take one. Who knows.


Anonymous said...

We (Daniel, Caleb and me :P) were talking in the car about your presentation....your group is...intelligent.
Anyways, your board does look sweetness...except it still smells like burnt cardboard. :P

Anonymous said...

you lit your board on fire?

Pyrolord said...

Intelligent is a nice way to put it.
Yes Emma, we lit our board on fire. We thought it went with the whole fire theme. I bet our board is the only one with shoe-prints on it too. We should get extra credit for that. ;P

Anonymous said...

Intelligent is the *wrong* way to put it. :P JK! Ya'll are actually all very smart.
That's pretty cool, actually... sounds neat. Take a picture. But what's with the shoe prints? And why did you call me Emma? That is a weird question but after you asking TJ "What do you usually call her?" I had to ask. LOL

Pyrolord said...

I'll take a picture. I was going to the other day, but I forgot my camera. Shoe prints happen when your fire gets out of control and you have to stomp it out. That happened a few times...;P
I called you Emma because I was trying to sound condescending. Did it work?? jk ;P

Anonymous said...

Oh, that's funny.
Oh... umm... ok. I think I get what you mean. I think it just sounded weird, b/c you never call me that. *shrug*

Anonymous said...

when you're happy and you know it clap your hands

Lady of somethin' er 'nother... said...

Love that Meagy! Our board is going to look smarter than yours. Hastily put together but we have more info on it! *insert evil laugh* Ya, well, I don't even want to talk about the stupid project.

I have to say that yours does look cool.

And is Caleb going to talke about the scientific method or is he going to eat me at fellowship?

The latter, by the way, is this friday at Mr. Herbs at 7:00 and you should come. :D

Lady of somethin' er 'nother... said...

Love that Meagy! Our board is going to look smarter than yours. Hastily put together but we have more info on it! *insert evil laugh* Ya, well, I don't even want to talk about the stupid project.

I have to say that yours does look cool.

And is Caleb going to talke about the scientific method or is he going to eat me at fellowship?

The latter, by the way, is this friday at Mr. Herbs at 7:00 and you should come. :D

Anonymous said...

That was very random, Meg... ?

Lady... eat you???

Anonymous said...

Ya think? Maybe... but true!

Anonymous said...

It can't be true, it wasn't a statement. It was a command.

Brandon's Girl said...

Awww, you missed it!!! The other night Chemistry Buddies Lab Inc. sang their theme song... which really has nothing to do with Chemistry... more Biology. Joel sang a song about Marc and it was flippin sweet. All you heard was "MARCMARCMARCMARCMARCMARCMARCMARCMARCMARCMARCMARC" something about "Marc, put the knife down" and "H20 won't do, I need some Gatorade". IT WAS AWESOME!!! I want to make a song like that!

Brandon's Girl said...

It messed up.... it was supposed to end in:
ARC" and... something about "Marc,... etc.