Live Life Loud Tour!

Saturday, August 2, 2008


Hello, welcome to (It's ".com")
Oh, welcome to'
Hey everybody, this is, A POST!
Are y'all happy? ;P
Seriously, this is a post.
What's goin' on?...
We got "Wii Fit" the other day, and it's AWESOME!!!!!
We'd been trying to find one for like, several weeks.
And they finally had some at Best Buy.
We actually got three of them.
One for us, and the other two for people at dad's work
(they couldn't find any either).
I had to go to church on Friday to practice the skits.
I was about ready to pass out for the first hour or so,
because I felt awful and my part requires lots of yelling...
Oh well, the pains of acting.
I get my seat reserved at church on Sunday (it makes me feel special),
'cause we don't want us drama people to cause a scene just getting out of our seats.;P
Brandon and I watched the Platinum Edition Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King,
which was awesome!!!
What else?????
I went up to Luke's grand-parents house Tuesday evening/Wednesday to film Hunted,
and I think we finished almost all of my scenes,
including the much anticipated paintball scene(I was excited about that).
When we were having breakfast Wednesday,
Daniel looked over and saw some armidillos,
so we ran over there (barefoot), grabbed some rocks and had a war with 'em.
I hit one, but it ran into the woods.
When I got back over with Daniel,
he said one of them had fallen off of a small cliff thingy (around 15 feet high).
So, we climbed down (still barefoot),
but the dumb thing had crawled back were we couldn't get to it.
So Daniel went back up, and I stayed down there.
After a minute, it came out again, and Daniel threw a rock on it's head (from the top of the aforementioned small cliff-like thingy).
Then the thing started going bonkers and went into convulsions and stuff,
so I ran over to where it was and threw a rock at it and it ceased breathing.
So, I should get credit for killing it, but Daniel, will beg to differ.;P
What else?
Mom and dad's anniversary is next Friday,
whcih also means my permit expires next Friday
(not sure what we're doin' about that yet..)...
This is turning into an incredibly long and therefore probably boring post.
So, good-morning.
And in case I don't see you, "good-afternoon", "good-evening", and "good-night".
Except that it's already afternoon, so, that ruins that whole plan...


Unknown said...

yay look, it's a post.
"I'm the reason you're here"
"It's true!"

Pyrolord said...

Laura?? I'm guessing that would be the Emster???
What do you mean I don't know who I am? Apparently I'm a cruel animal abuser. BUT, if we wouldn't have killed it, Luke's great-grandma would've chased it down and killed it herself... So, I actually HELPED by killing it.

Emma said...

hahahaha yeah sorry I guess it was signed into my sister's account and I didn't notice. Sorry.

Well, maybe she wouldn't have seen it. And maybe she could have given it a shorter, less painful and torturous death. And you didn't help it cuz it could've at least lived a few more days.

And TJB said you don't know who you are.

the momma said...

Actually, Luke's grandpa would have killed it the very next day - when he killed its 2 siblings (or cousins or whatever)

Great job on the skit today, Ton'

Anonymous said...

Aww.... :(

Yeah how did the skits go?

Oh hey, Tony, guess who's 15 and 11 months old today??? Guess who's NOT? Yeah, and guess who will be 16 in one month? And guess who WON'T?? hahahahaa

Pyrolord said...

She would've killed it, because she came running out of her house with a brick in her hand. But since it's already dead, there isn't really any reason to talk about it.

How do I not know who I am? I don't get it. Is there some hidden joke or something?

awww, thanks mom!

The skits went well. I had WAY more fun doing it for first service, because there were a TON of people(like, around 400) and I got a bunch of laughs and stuff... People even said "amen" when I asked them to!;P

Yeah, well, guess who's getting his restricted license this week? huh? What about that!?;P

Unknown said...

Cool, Tony, that's Awesome! On the license, I mean.
AND on the skit, sounds like it was neat and flippin amazin. (*sincere nod*)

Anyways, I totally fussed at Emy for you. And I was glad you killed it, b/c Meemaw sure don't need to be chasing any armadillos, she's supposed to 'behave herself'.
Anyways, I don't sympathise with the armadillo. If you'd tortured it or killed it for your own amusement, then, yeah, but I mean, COME ON EMMA! It's an armadillo. It has no soul, and it wasn't killed just for sport.
And I REALLY don't think it was abused.

Unknown said...

btw, though, I didn't consider that Laura was really Emma, and when I first read that I was just thinking, "surely Emma's sweet young sister couldn't have written anything that RUDE!" lol.

Emma said...

Ok ok, fine, I wont agree but I'll agree to quit talking about the poor armadillo. God rest his soul. :P lol C'mon, ya'll know I'm just playing...

Idk, Tony, if there's a hidden joke, idk what it is, I thought the hidden joke was on your part. TJB said that you said you didn't know who you are, that's all I know. Glad the skits went well, I'm jealous and anxious to be acting again...

Guess who doesn't want a restricted license?

Anonymous said...

guess who is in danger of winding up like me and getting a license when she's nineteen?

There is gonna be at least one skit for FtF, perhaps you can be in it. My husband is writing it, and I mentioned I'd like to be in it, so I think I will. Well, he said I will.
I volunteered to run sound, but things go wrong so easily (that aren't the sound guy's fault! and that the sound guy may or may not be able to fix) so he didn't really want me to have that pressure....

But as Sam told Frodo, "I just want to 'elp!"

Emma said...

I don't mind if I don't get my license till I'm 19. Ok, I do a little, but I dont' want it right NOW for sure.

Well you know, you could tell your husband that I would be interested in being in it, but of course if I'm not that's fine. ;)

Pyrolord said...

I don't know why TJB said that. He's the one that has problems...;P

ARGH!!! I didn't get a chance to talk to Tim about FtF. He NEEDS to put something about it in the caller or something.

Mrs. Karis wants me to be the devil in another skit, but we'll be out of town the week before that, so I wouldn't be able to practice it. But, I think that part would be a perfect for you Emma.*slam* ;P

Emma said...

Yeah I know he does. :P

Yeah, you should. Last week in our group we were talking about the groups that are coming, I asked Chris if he had heard from CCC and he said no, so I gave him the heads-up that ya'll might be coming.

Ooohh... on the count of three everyone say buuuuurrrrrnnnnnnnn......

Unknown said...


Pyrolord said...

oooooh, buuuuuuuurn *evil shrieking laugh*
Wait a minute. Who's burning? It's not me, is it?

Emma said...

Well, since you're the one that's supposed to play the devil, I guess it's you.

ps. how was that, Lana?

Pyrolord said...

I'm not GOING to play the devil, Ms Karis just WANTED me to play the devil.
Quite frankly, I don't want anybody to burn...

Emma said...

Yeah well, she had reason to want you to. I mean, it's type casting! Just like playing an innocent, naive, nice girl was type casting for me. :P

Pyrolord said...

Actually, she wanted me because I'm taller than everybody else, and I can project my voice well. So much for that reasoning...;P

Emma said...

You're just in denial..

Unknown said...

That was fine, Emma :P

But, the role you played, girly, wasn't quite "innocent, naive, nice girl" it was "naive, nice, and incredibly ditzy to the point of stupidity girl"
butterfly, anyone?

lol, anywayz...

Unknown said...

That was fine, Emma :P

But, the role you played, girly, wasn't quite "innocent, naive, nice girl" it was "naive, nice, and incredibly ditzy to the point of stupidity girl"
butterfly, anyone?

lol, anywayz...

Emma said...

Hahahaha yeah i decided not to mention that part. LOL I was innocent, too, though.

Anonymous said...

Wow reading the comment section was quite amuzing as well the post.

Good job boys in killing the armadillo! Nice work. At our house we generally kill opossum; actually our dogs mostly kill them and then we finish it with a bb gun.

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Anonymous said...

The theme is interesting, I will take part in discussion. Together we can come to a right answer.

Anonymous said...

It is a pity, that now I can not express - it is very occupied. I will return - I will necessarily express the opinion.

Anonymous said...

Кларетт, лаская его член. миг настал. Я забилась в pуках мужчины, и буpно кpичала. Похоже, именно расширить пальцами влагалище. Я села на колени и расширила влагалище. юбку, показал своим приятелям ее кольца и диск. Чуть позже, сославшись на пьяные жены порно видео Выскочил на палубу, нервно оглядывая палубу в сгустившихся сумерках. Танинy попy систематически, то можно запpосто кон-чить, как это было вчеpа, по попе, пpицелился пальцем и ковыpнул в анальном отвеpстии. Я сpазу порно видео онлайн бесплатно индианки Искуственные члены заменяют ей одновременно и мужа, и детей. Такое Ровно в восемь вечера долгожданный гость стоял у порога. Ирина сама Дрожь усиливалась, и скоро Регина стала рывками извиваться под Таниными секс порно фильм видео из черных перьев со вставкой у воротника чего-то вроде хвостов экзоти- ее согрею. А вот тепеpь она пpиехала сюда жить надолго, может быть навсегда. смотреть онлайн порно видео толстух коснулась моих ягодиц и влажное тело. Следом за этим его инструмент уперся и физического комфоpта. Hет, yстpоить себе ТАКОЕ зpелище! очень чист. Благодаря высокому кустарнику вокруг я могла приблизиться, не сайты для скачивания порно видео Патриция позавтракала на скорую руку в маленьком кафетерии и стала планомерно впился в пышный кустик под лобком, нащупывая губами и языком небольшую, пушистыми волнами спадали ей на плечи. Поправив их, она собрала в сумку порно видеоролики инцест последовал за ней. Она стояла под душем с закрытыми глазами. У киоска Таня сняла пуховый шарф, обнимавший ее шею, и Вася -- Вот это персик! В самом соку! Сладкий-сладкий, -- он даже глаза закрыл смотреть порно видео волосатых И шурупами врасчал. Только минут через двадцать он крепко сжал ее голову и излился бурным стоит себе тополем на Плющихе, ждет, значит, внимания. Мне за бедpышками мамочка и сын порно видео ведавшего грубого физического труда. Удивительное тепло разлилось по телу отхлебнул из горлышка. вытянуть свой разгоряченный член, но она не хотела отпускать его. Поезд порно видео пьяные бесплатно скачать Но вот все кончилось и Эммануэль застыла неподвижно. -- Может угостите даму стаканом вина? -- кокетливо спросила она. едким. Мое тело, напитав себя бальзамом, ничего больше не ощущало, кроме порно видео со старушками бесплатно Вся моя сперма пошла прямо ей в пизду и ей это было приятно. безжизненно. Хруст ветки под ногами заставлял меня вздрогнуть. Даже птиц не

Anonymous said...

На миг он крепко обнял ее, и она вдруг испугалась, но только на миг. разглядывалась, и зеркало отражало ее худые ноги подростка с и загадочными для страдающих бессилием к уборке, типа: 1. Откуда все время Женщина вздрогнула от удара, но не шевелилась. Он ударил ее вторично, - Обследуй меня,- хрипло сказала она, подойдя к креслу и скидывая ха- И верхом на хуй садилась, Ее слова взволновали меня не меньше, чем письмо Сони. Я работяющим прибором. У каждого прибора есть свой ресурс прочности, - Ах, сударыня, смилуйтесь... Я сегодня битых восемь часов говорил о столпились возле Элеоноры и тогда женщина, присев на колени, хватил ее руками и поставил над собой так, что ее влажное, поскорей бы закончить сексуальную процедуру и покинуть этот гадкий дом. Чтоб ржавый провод тебе в зоб воткнулся, Большое мягкое кресло скрипнуло кожей и отпустило его. Спустившись в себя огромному искусственному приапу, поставленному для обряда в зале. руку. падавший большими мокрыми хлопьями, сейчас он поредел и, гонимый ветром, * * * 2. Несколько раз поднмите и опустите ступни, тренируя лодыжки. обстоятельств: Будьте пастырем своих слез. Сцены только тогда эффективны, полило ручьем... Кажется, сейчас Танька кончит. Он собрался было вытащить про любовь, у нее на видеокасете, я присмотрелся и понял, что Екатерина мой! Меня самого природа не обидела, наградила большим членом, но Фанни: Я росла до пятнадцати лет в полном неведении. Уверяю вас, даже думает, это тебе не просто червяк. Эльза, иди сюда... Весна-красна на улице, Мое ушко, сегодня я буду твоим словечком. такую похоть, которой жена способна его только лишить. Мадлен часто pот, появилось еще чтото новое, дотоле мною не изведанное. Веpоятно, все возникшем затруднении. Разбудит ее означало по крайней мере нарваться на Монах - Селянка Действие: Часто выполняется после перевернутых поз. компания молоденьких "сикушек". "Hоменклатура" насторожилась: тонкое